OBJECTIVE: We implemented automatic online medical consultation software. It infers disease of patients with knowledge about symptoms and the epidemiologic data. And we compared its performance of inference with that of human doctors.
METHODS: This software accepts information about users' age, sex, and symptoms, lists up diseases compatible with these information, and sorts diseases by probability. We implement this software with Ruby and C.
RESULTS: We compared diseases listed up by this software with those that by two human doctors, and found that 1) 90% of confirmed diagnoses was included in the list this software inferred, and 2) more than 50% of diseases in the list this software inferred are same diseases as ones both of two human doctors inferred.
CONCLUSION: This software can not determine final diagnosis. But this software lists up probable diseases only by interview. Then we believe this software will be useful for patients when they want to check themselves before consulting their doctor. We believe that this software will be useful for patients to check their health status. |